Tag: sap
How to register a validation event in SAP RAP for create and update?
At a certain point in our RESTful Application Programming (RAP) model, we want maybe to extend it with our own logic. Mostly, we want to this, when we create or update an entry in our database, as in the following image: After we continue from this dialog and click save, we want to trigger our…
The different behavior files in SAP RAP
I’m new in SAP RESTful application programming and I had to figure out, how the different files of behavior project, definition and implementation works. When we create a RAP project depending on our ZCONNECTIONS database table, we receive by default the following files: In this post, we focus on the arrow noted files, where we…
Convert a selection range table to the alpha numbers for later queries
If you have an OData service, where you fetching a data type, that has an alpha conversion routine active, you may have experienced also the problem, that you need to convert your select options to work properly with SQL queries. To do that, we create a small private method in our gateway class. Before we…
How to add a generic filter for an OData service?
You may want to automate the filter for your already retrieved data from the OData service in ABAP. This allows you to just send that data back, that the frontend has been requested. Please note that you already need an internal table, filled with all the data, in the best case also unfiltered to use…
How to automatically order your entity set in an OData service in ABAP?
If you want to give the $orderby property via an OData service an automatically sort function, you can simply use a small piece of code, to adjust the entity set, which will be later returned to the OData gateway classes in ABAP. You can see the IT_ORDER importing parameter in the signature of the GET_ENTITYSET…
How to use the setting URL Hash Fragment in SAP Web IDE?
You may have asked yourself, how to use this setting “URL Hash Fragment” in the run configurations, where you can set settings for your test environment. The question mark icon next to it, does unfortunately not really describe what to do. So therefore, I have tested it myself and found out, that it always must…
The different count modes in SAPUI5
In the UI5 framework, we do differ how we want to setup the count requests, when an OData service gets called. The mode how this count should be sent and retrieven, can be set in the manifest.json file. Therefore we can set the following options: Count mode Description Inline Count is retrieved by adding $inlinecount=allpages to data…
Counting chars or entries in new ABAP syntax
May you wanted to count the length of a simple string or the total rows of an internal table. With the new ABAP syntax, it is possible to get these counts and lengths within the same line. Counting characters in a string With this method you can easily check the length of the string at…
How to make an App-To-App Navigation with a specific route in SAP Fiori Launchpad?
If you want to open a specific route from your SAPUI5 application to open another application within the Fiori Launchpad (FLP), you might wonder how to do this with the CrossApplicationNavigation service? Well, the parameters, which can be sent through the method toExternal, are not clearly documented. Although there are possibilities to set the route…
Notes for classification data in SAP systems
Since I got recently a few times to this case, where I had to do something with classification data in SAP ECC, I had to wrote down some of the important tables and transactions. Tables Technical name Description Important fields CABNCABNT (Text) Characteristics names (Merkmalenamen) ATNAM (CABN)ATBEZ (CABN) CAWNCAWNT (Text) Characteristcs values (Merkmalwerte)– ATWRT ATWRT…