Category: SAP ECC
How to automatically order your entity set in an OData service in ABAP?
If you want to give the $orderby property via an OData service an automatically sort function, you can simply use a small piece of code, to adjust the entity set, which will be later returned to the OData gateway classes in ABAP. You can see the IT_ORDER importing parameter in the signature of the GET_ENTITYSET…
Counting chars or entries in new ABAP syntax
May you wanted to count the length of a simple string or the total rows of an internal table. With the new ABAP syntax, it is possible to get these counts and lengths within the same line. Counting characters in a string With this method you can easily check the length of the string at…
Notes for classification data in SAP systems
Since I got recently a few times to this case, where I had to do something with classification data in SAP ECC, I had to wrote down some of the important tables and transactions. Tables Technical name Description Important fields CABNCABNT (Text) Characteristics names (Merkmalenamen) ATNAM (CABN)ATBEZ (CABN) CAWNCAWNT (Text) Characteristcs values (Merkmalwerte)– ATWRT ATWRT…
Resize an image with ABAP to create a thumbnail
In this small tutorial, you will see how to turn your image for example from a DMS in a SAP ECC system to a new image size. This allows you to simply publish a smaller image size to your client for example via an OData service and improves therefore the load speed. To be able…