Category: iOS
How to include Google AdMob in a SwiftUI application?
To monetize your iOS application, you can use a various of services like Google AdMob or Meta’s Audience Network. In this tutorial, I want to quickly show you how to setup the Google AdMob SDK into your SwiftUI application. Prerequisites Make sure also that you already have included the SDK via pod or Swift Package…
How to setup a workflow for Xcode Cloud build?
The service Xcode Cloud was introduced a couple of years ago and has been improved over time. In this small guide, I just want to show case you, how simple it is to setup a such workflow in Xcode Cloud to build and deploy your apps no longer on a local machine. Instead with Xcode…
The different places where you can define the bundle version of your iOS app for Xcode Cloud
I’m developing an iOS app a while ago and recently moved to Xcode Cloud to build the app there. To switch to this method, we need to set the version in our project like bundle version and bundle version string (short) to the newest version. Therefore, we have in the build settings for each target…