How to setup an SAP BTP Free tier account with Cloud Foundry?

First of all, we need some prerequisites to ensure we run on the same BTP. What we want is to run an environment, that lasts longer than just the 90-day trial of the BTP Trial. Therefore, we need to use a BTP Free Tier Account, which can be “purchased” here on the SAP Store.

There you can create an individual account on your own name. You will also have to enter your credit card details in order to be charged, as soon as you are using services which are out of the free tier. But do not worry, the BTP always informs you about what exactly is free and how long it stays free. For example, a simple Business Application Studio (BAS) remains always free, but an Integration Suite can be tried out for 90 days until it will cost you money, when transferring to a real tenant. 

After we have this BTP Free Tier Global Account, we need to create a Subaccount with the following setting:

Setup the BTP subaccount.

Please ensure, that you have chosen as Region Europe (Netherlands), so that you can later setup the Cloud Foundry environment.

After that we have created our subaccount as well, we can now create a Cloud Foundry instance inside our subaccount. To get this “entitlement” to initiate our first service, we select on the left side “Entitlements”. 

The Cloud Foundry is already assigned, but to ensure the complete tutorial, I show it here to you again.

Select on the top “Configure entitlements” and later “Add service plans”.

Configure and add service plans

You see then the following dialog, where you can choose the Cloud Foundry Environment.

Add the service plan “Cloud Foundry Environment”.

Choose there the free option and click “Add 1 service plan”. We may later add more services depending on the case you are want to create.

Now that we have this entitlement, we need to create now the instance. For that we just go back to the subaccount home screen and select “Enable cloud foundry”.

There we choose an appropriate name for our instance like “cf-schmuckli-dev” and choose also an organization like “org-schmuckli-dev”.

After we have created now the cloud foundry, we get an API endpoint and all the necessary details for our environment.

The finished Cloud Foundry setup with details

Now we are finally ready to create some applications on top of the Business Technology Plattform.


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